Danni's Past & Ongoing Projects
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RBG Light Tubes
In Planning at the moment, aquiring material
Currently have both a PI Pico and a KB2040, need to aquire rgb strips and a spare 74HC595
The Ultimate Gameboy Color
Waiting on material to arrive in mail.
Plans are as followed, all material ordered
- Replace shell with custom shell
- Replace old display with new backlit display & HDMI out mod
- Replace plastic screeen with a glass screen
- Replace broken speaker and install an amp for better quality audio
- Replace buttons with custom colored ones
- Replace label with custom one
Future plans
- Replace batteries with rechargable one
- Add RGB lighting? (Debating at the moment)
Repair DS Lite
Waiting on donor motherboards
Repair the broken Inductors L5 L6, the pictures are from after I removed the two bad inductors and tinning the pads